Important NIA Friday Afternoon Update

Almost exactly 10 years ago in late-2014, NIA's President had dinner with Brian Paes-Braga in NYC at Tao, at a time when NIA's President was running Elite Daily and it was the world's #1 highest traffic online media publication for millennials. NIA's President told Brian at their dinner about how he was in the middle of selling Elite Daily to the Daily Mail for $50 million. Brian would later say to NIA's President in a podcast interview they did together that it was this conversation in late-2014 at Tao that inspired Brian to launch Lithium-X six months later. Click here and listen to just the first four minutes.

NIA's President told Brian during their dinner at Tao about how in addition to selling Elite Daily he was beginning to invest into an Arizona based silver explorer called Wildcat Silver and preparing to announce it as NIA's #1 overall top stock suggestion for 2015. Brian at this point told NIA's President about how he took his previous advice and was studying the mineral exploration industry and found himself the best possible mentor to help him become an expert on all things mining. Brian explained how his mentor Frank previously predicted the 2005-2007 uranium boom and started a company that he sold to Uranium One for billions.

NIA's President had never heard of him but promised he would do research into him. A few days later, NIA's President was at a colleague's house for a meeting who happened to have FOX News on in the background and some guy Sean Hannity began spewing conspiracy theories about this guy named Frank Giustra who made a fortune in uranium. NIA's President texted Brian saying he just saw this Frank Giustra guy on TV and was so impressed that he truly did find the best possible mentor if Sean Hannity is jealous of him.

After Brian launched Lithium-X, he called NIA's President and explained how there was going to be a boom in lithium that would dwarf the size of the 2005-2007 uranium boom, and his mentor was going to help him go public on the TSX Venture exchange in Canada. He invited NIA's President to travel with him by helicopter to check out some of the lithium properties he was acquiring for Lithium-X. NIA's President was so impressed because at the time, nobody else was launching any lithium exploration companies, only him. NIA's President went with him to check out the lithium properties and immediately decided that NIA would suggest Lithium-X as its first ever lithium stock suggestion. NIA suggested Lithium-X at $0.97 per share and one year later it was acquired for $2.61 per share or $265 million in cash for a gain of 169%. Lithium-X hit a high following NIA's suggestion of $2.85 per share for a gain of 193.81%.

Brian was 100% correct about there being a lithium boom that dwarfed the size of the 2005-2007 uranium boom. After his founding of Lithium-X, hundreds of other people copied him and launched their own lithium exploration companies. Very few of these other lithium companies got acquired at huge premiums like Lithium-X.

Today, Brian believes a boom has already launched in gold that will be bigger than its previous booms in 2011 and 1980. In recent months he has rapidly accumulated a large position in Goldshore (TSXV: GSHR) and added approximately 1.466 million shares to his GSHR position last month with open market purchases.

The silver company that NIA's President invested in and told Brian about at Tao would change its name to Arizona Mining and gained by 1,576% from NIA's suggestion price and got acquired for $2.1 billion in cash. Arizona Mining's Executive Chairman Richard Warke took a portion of his profits and invested big to become a partner in Liverpool, which has since seen its valuation multiply many times higher. Today, Liverpool is the world's #1 top ranked football club with an estimated valuation of $5.37 billion. Liverpool currently sits at the very top of both the English Premier League and UEFA Champions League. Most recently, Richard Warke became a partner in the PGA Tour.

Richard Warke also believes a massive gold boom has begun that will dwarf its previous booms in 2011 and 1980. He took Augusta Gold (TSX: G) public a few years ago and has consistently been buying big in the open market over the last several years. AngloGold Ashanti (AU) has always planned to consolidate all of the gold resources in the Beatty Gold District, and Augusta Gold (TSX: G) is the only remaining company left in the Beatty Gold District for AU to acquire. A buyout could come at any time. Augusta Gold (TSX: G) was originally planning to make more acquisitions of additional gold properties, but suddenly a few weeks ago alongside the publication of their Reward Feasibility Study they must have gotten word that AU is ready to make a deal.

Augusta Gold (TSX: G) disclosed that they are exploring a "sale of the Company, the Project, or all the assets of the Company".

You would think it would already be trading for at least $3-$4 per share on this disclosure, but nobody follows the company except us. Since going public, Augusta Gold (TSX: G) hasn't once done a single interview on YouTube or at any trade shows! When you are somebody who gets to the level of being a part owner of Liverpool and the PGA Tour you will look bad if you do things to "hype up" your stock so Augusta Gold (TSX: G) literally does nothing to gain the attention of new investors. They can only profit big from the company being acquired, which they always knew was going to happen!

Past performance is not an indicator of future returns. NIA is not an investment advisor and does not provide investment advice. Always do your own research and make your own investment decisions. NIA has received compensation from GSHR of US$30,000 cash for a three-month marketing contract. NIA previously received compensation from Lithium-X of US$40,000 cash for a marketing contract which has since expired. NIA's President has purchased 224,200 shares of G in the open market and intends to buy more shares. This message is meant for informational and educational purposes only and does not provide investment advice.