Why NIA Loves Bonanza Gold Grades

Companies that intercept bonanza gold grades of more than 1 oz per ton often become among the largest percentage gainers in the market, but they need to be credible companies... meaning that either NIA has suggested the company or it is backed by somebody who NIA highly respects for their ability to consistently and repeatedly build multi-billion-dollar market cap companies in which all of their investors profit big alongside them!

Search Google for back in 2006-2009 when Silver Standard was exploring the San Luis Gold/Silver Project, which is now owned by Highlander Silver (CSE: HSLV) with drilling to begin shortly. Silver Standard achieved many bonanza grade gold intercepts at San Luis! HSLV raised $32.2 million yesterday including brand-new investments from Richard Warke and the Lundin Family! HSLV gained by 6.40% yesterday to $1.83 per share and is ready to begin hitting new all-time highs!

Search Google for back in 2008-2010 when Newmont was exploring the Sandman Gold Project, which is in the process of being acquired by Borealis Mining (TSXV: BOGO) with drilling to begin shortly after BOGO closes on the acquisition. Newmont didn't acquire Sandman until 2011, when Sandman was one of three Nevada gold properties that it acquired in their $2.3 billion acquisition of Fronteer Gold. Newmont had previously signed a 2008 Sandman earn-in agreement with Fronteer Gold, showing that Newmont was very serious about developing Sandman even before owning the property! BOGO raised $10 million on February 26th including brand-new investments from Eric Sprott and Rob McEwen! Newmont achieved many bonanza grade gold intercepts at Sandman! BOGO gained by 7.14% yesterday to $0.60 per share!

Eric Sprott is currently making a profit of $117 million on Discovery Silver (TSX: DSV) which gained by 12.28% yesterday to $1.92 per share! DSV doesn't have bonanza gold grades, but DSV does own the world's third largest undeveloped silver resource at Cordero a low-grade bulk mining project that has extreme leverage to rising silver prices! Eric Sprott hasn't specifically said to us that he learned about Cordero from NIA, but we believe he did, and great minds think alike! Every time Sprott listens to NIA he makes money! Every time Sprott doesn't listen to NIA he loses money!

Here is NIA's November 22nd, 2021, alert about New Found Gold Corp (NFGC) where NIA urged Sprott not to invest more money into the company:

Here is NIA's July 1st, 2014, alert in which NIA publicly suggested Levon Resources the original owner of Cordero at $0.285 per share where it had an insanely low enterprise value of only $16 million. In 2019, Levon was acquired by Sprott's DSV and Levon shareholders received 0.55 of a DSV share for every Levon share! With DSV at $1.92 per share it is equal to a price of $1.056 per share for Levon shareholders, which means DSV is currently up by 270.53% from NIA's Levon suggestion price of $0.285 per share! This compares to Global X Silver Miners ETF (SIL) declining by 14.925% during this same time period! 

DSV announced on January 25th that it is now in the process of acquiring one of Newmont's highest quality Canadian gold assets the Porcupine Gold Mine exactly like how BOGO is in the process of acquiring the highest quality Nevada gold asset to be sold by Newmont in recent history!

NIA's #1 favorite gold stock that it is 100% sure will become among the largest percentage gaining gold stocks of 2025 with a buyout at a massive premium likely to occur in the very short-term future: Augusta Gold (TSX: G).

Augusta Gold (TSX: G)'s Bullfrog Gold Project was one of Barrick's most profitable gold mines of the mid-90s and only shut down in 1998 when gold declined below $300 per oz. With gold prices up 10-fold since Bullfrog shut down in 1998 it is extremely likely to reenter production alongside AngloGold Ashanti (AU)'s North Bullfrog. Augusta Gold (TSX: G)'s fully permitted Reward Gold Project will be the first modern day gold mine to enter production in North America's #1 largest new gold district!

Richard Warke is the #1 largest shareholder of both Augusta Gold (TSX: G) and Highlander Silver (CSE: HSLV)!

Past performance is not an indicator of future returns. NIA is not an investment advisor and does not provide investment advice. Always do your own research and make your own investment decisions. NIA's President has purchased 224,200 shares of G and intends to buy more shares. NIA's President has purchased 125,000 shares of HSLV and can buy or sell shares at any time. NIA has received compensation from BOGO of US$100,000 cash for a twelve-month marketing contract. This message is meant for informational and educational purposes only and does not provide investment advice.