Gold's correlation with the U.S. Dollar Index over the last 252 trading days (one year) has reached a positive 58, which is extremely rare, but when it happens gold rallies BIG over the following months 100% of the time!
Prior to today, the most recent time that it occurred was on May 29, 2020, with gold at $1,751.70 per oz. Over the following 10 weeks, gold rallied by 19.27% to a new all-time high on August 7, 2020, of $2,089.20 per oz!
Prior to then, the most recent previous time that it occurred was on September 10, 2019, with gold at $1,499.20 per oz. Over the following 7 months, gold rallied by 19.32% to a new 8-year high on April 14, 2020, of $1,788.80 per oz!
Prior to then, the most recent previous time that it occurred was on July 12, 2010, with gold at $1,196.10 per oz. Over the following 14 months, gold rallied by 60.83% to a new all-time high on September 6, 2011, of $1,923.70 per oz!
Prior to then, the most recent previous time that it occurred was on December 8, 2005, with gold at $522.70 per oz. Over the following 5 months, gold rallied by 40% to a new 26-year high on May 12, 2006, of $732 per oz!
When gold's correlation with the U.S. Dollar Index over the trailing 252 trading days (one year) becomes positive by 58, gold averages a gain of 34.855% in an average time period of 7.125 months! This means that gold is likely to rise to $2,522 per oz by January 15, 2023!