What an Unbelievably Huge Day for NIA!

NIA's #1 ranked overall stock suggestion Augusta Gold (TSX: G) gained by 4.96% today to $1.48 per share. G has so far gained by 20.33% from NIA's initial suggestion price of $1.23 per share.

NIA's #2 ranked overall stock suggestion Gold Bull Resources (TSXV: GBRC) gained by 5.88% today to $0.09 per share. GBRC has so far gained by 125% from NIA's initial suggestion price of $0.04 per share.

NIA's #3 ranked overall stock suggestion Gladiator Metals (TSXV: GLAD) gained by 3.64% today to $0.57 per share. GLAD has so far gained by 14% from NIA's initial suggestion price of $0.50 per share.

NIA's #4 ranked overall stock suggestion Lahontan Gold (TSXV: LG) gained by 14.29% today to $0.24 per share. LG has so far gained by 50% from NIA's initial suggestion price of $0.16 per share.

Please remember that NIA's #5 ranked overall stock suggestion EarthLabs (TSXV: SPOT) is strictly meant as a gauge of where we are in the cycle and considering it hasn't even moved yet it really shows you how early we are.

By the time gold stocks become a bubble, SPOT will be trading for between $0.80 and $0.975 per share where Eric Sprott made two huge investments into the company. These gains for SPOT will be miniscule compared to the gains our top 4 picks will have already made by the time SPOT is trading in the $0.80-$0.975 per share range. We're not saying you should totally avoid investing into SPOT but NIA's President has purposely only taken a very small position in the stock so far because our top 4 picks are much bigger opportunities than SPOT! We don't believe SPOT has any downside risk, but nobody is likely to buy SPOT until stocks like G and GBRC are up by 500%+ from NIA's initial suggestion prices! NIA's President is focused on accumulating G but at some point down the road after G is up by 500%+ he will accumulate a larger SPOT position!

G's Executive Chairman Richard Warke is the #1 most successful mining stock investor/executive in the world. Although NIA's President has learned a lot from Eric Sprott and has a lot of respect for Sprott's accomplishments... Sprott invests like a drunken sailor. Nobody else in the industry will speak the truth about Sprott because they all want to take advantage of him for his money! Richard Warke doesn't allow people to take advantage of him and has a lot of haters because of it!

Past performance is not an indicator of future returns. NIA is not an investment advisor and does not provide investment advice. Always do your own research and make your own investment decisions. This message is not a solicitation or recommendation to buy, sell, or hold securities. NIA's President has purchased 199,200 shares of G in the open market and intends to buy more shares. NIA's President has purchased 30,500 shares of SPOT in the open market and intends to buy more shares. NIA has received compensation from GLAD of US$100,000 cash for a twelve-month marketing contract. This message is meant for informational and educational purposes only and does not provide investment advice.