Canada Nickel Co (TSXV: CNC) CEO Mark Selby said last month towards the end of a YouTube interview:
"The value of having a Feasibility Study underpinning the significant value and scale of what we have at Crawford demonstrates the value potential of our other 20 projects in the district. Not only did the Feasibility Study help out with discussions we are having for Crawford the Feasibility has helped in the discussions with a number of other players who can now see Property X is at this stage but that's just where Crawford was or it's even further ahead of Crawford because we already put 5 holes or 15 holes into this property and it draws that line for them of here's what the value potential of this asset looks like so that's the other part that's been encouraging for us over the last six weeks we have gotten a lot more interest in terms of what that regional portfolio could look like. The beauty of having a portfolio of assets is it gives you a whole myriad of ways to unlock value and as we go into the new year, you're going to see some pretty interesting ways for us to unlock value from that portfolio of assets."
By far their largest geophysical footprint is at Noble Mineral Exploration (TSXV: NOB)'s Mann Township properties and we know they initially drilled 5 holes and have now drilled a total of 16 holes and the drilling results for the 11 new holes are coming within weeks. NOB also owns 2% NSR royalties in CNC's Mahaffy, MacDiarmid, and Bradburn properties in addition to NOB owning a large amount of CNC stock.
Keep in mind that NOB also has ongoing drilling taking place right now 2km north of Kidd Creek!
Past performance is not an indicator of future returns. NIA is not an investment advisor and does not provide investment advice. Always do your own research and make your own investment decisions. This message is not a solicitation or recommendation to buy, sell, or hold securities. NIA has received compensation from NOB of US$50,000 cash for a six-month marketing contract. This message is meant for informational and educational purposes only and does not provide investment advice.