Tether Purchases 5% of Juventus FC (MIL: JUVE) with Open Market Purchases

The stablecoin Tether has purchased 5% of Juventus FC (MIL: JUVE) with open market purchases. Tether is now the second largest Juventus shareholder. What are the odds these shares get liquidated in some sort of bankruptcy court within 24-36 months?! Why does this remind us of FTX buying 7.6% of Robinhood along with the naming rights to the Miami Heat??

Some of the comments made by Tether CEO Paolo Ardoino to the media after disclosing this 5% stake are very concerning including, "We're passionate fans with the financial means to support Juve for 2,000 years."

JUVE spent €112.94 million on player wages this season vs. Celtic (LSE: CCP) spending €26.69 million on player wages, and both Juventus and Celtic got to the same place... the playoffs of the UEFA Champions League and coming very close but failing to make the Round of 16.

Celtic lost 2-1 at home and had a 1-1 away draw vs. Bayern for a cumulative 3-2 loss to a club that spends €262.42 million on player wages or 9.83x more than Celtic.

JUVE won 2-1 at home but had a 3-1 away loss vs. PSV for a cumulative 4-3 loss to a club that spends €32.23 million on player wages. JUVE spends 3.50x more than PSV but got knocked out by them!

JUVE is underperforming expectations vs. Celtic outperforming expectations!

Why is Tether using money meant to back USDT to buy 5% of money losing Juventus who can't even defeat a club they outspend 3 1/2 to 1!? JUVE has lost $700 million over the last four years!

Celtic (LSE: CCP) is the best managed publicly traded football club.

We honestly don't know what would happen if somebody tried to buy 5% of Celtic with open market purchases. It's only possible to buy 5% of JUVE in the open market because of all the newly printed shares to cover their losses! Celtic is profitable and doesn't dilute the market!

Celtic trades like the Green Bay Packers would trade if they became a publicly traded company!