StockTwits is Valued at $210M

StockTwits was most recently valued at US$210 million.

StockTwits according to SimilarWeb had 15.7 million unique visitors in March 2023 making it the 19th most popular investing web site in the United States.

EarthLabs (TSXV: SPOT)'s according to SimilarWeb had 2.2 million unique visitors in March 2023 making it the 13th most popular investing web site in Canada.

SPOT's has a more dominant market share in Canada than StockTwits does in the United States.

Based on StockTwits being valued at US$13.38 per monthly unique user, SPOT's is worth US$29.436 million or CAD$40 million.

As of December 31st, SPOT has $28.529 million in actual cash (including cash due from stock brokers). SPOT owns $21.774 million worth of gold exploration stocks with its largest holding (23.53% of its portfolio) being a $5.123 million position in New Found Gold (TSXV: NFG), which is up by 19.63% in 2023 year-to-date. The rest of SPOT's portfolio is diversified between approximately 90 gold exploration stocks. In addition, SPOT owns 27.5% of Golden Planet the latest brand new start-up formed by the founders/management team of NFG. Golden Planet has $6.76 million in cash and SPOT's equity investment is listed on its balance sheet at a valuation of less than $2.25 million even though it is undoubtedly worth many times more considering its huge Olympus gold discovery in the Northwest Territories. Click here for a presentation on Golden Planet and its Olympus gold discovery!

SPOT also owns a 0.2% NSR royalty covering NFG's billion dollar Queensway Project plus a 0.5% NSR royalty on NFG's claims outside of Queensway. SPOT also owns a 0.5% NSR royalty covering Exploits Discovery's 987 sq. km land package adjacent to NFG in Newfoundland. NIA estimates SPOT's Newfoundland gold project royalties to be worth approximately $25 million.

All together SPOT has CAD$52.5 million in cash+short-term investments, gold project royalties that we estimate are worth CAD$25 million, and which could be worth CAD$40 million.

This means SPOT could soon trade at a market cap of CAD$117.5 millionSPOT's market cap at $0.24 per share is only CAD$32.8 million!

SPOT is getting ready to surpass its 200-day moving average and most important key breakout point of $0.25 per share and could rapidly explode to $0.50+ per share within days!

Past performance is not an indicator of future returns. NIA is not an investment advisor and does not provide investment advice. Always do your own research and make your own investment decisions. This message is not a solicitation or recommendation to buy, sell, or hold securities. NIA's President has purchased 30,500 shares of SPOT in the open market and intends to buy more shares. This message is meant for informational and educational purposes only and does not provide investment advice.