OSS Could Announce New NASA Supercomputer Contracts Next Year

One Stop Systems (OSS) has been involved in several major projects of NASA to help NASA power its supercomputers:

OSS technology was used to power the SOFIA astronomy project when NASA Dryden received MDA-T5 data recorders and 3U servers from OSS. SOFIA is a joint project between NASA and the German Aerospace Center. OSS is a very large company and owns a German based subsidiary called Bressner Technology GmbH that is separate from its AI supercomputer subsidiary in CaliforniaBressner also produces aerospace products.

OSS delivered two PCIe Gen 3 expansion enclosures to NASA Goddard Space. OSS recently released Gen 5 of this technology so the odds are high that NASA will upgrade its OSS supercomputer systems in 2025!

OSS provided PCIe expanders, LSI MegaRaid 9265/9285 series RAID controllers, and OCZ Vertex 3 solid-state disk drives for an additional NASA demonstration.

OSS is the world's #1 leading high performance supercomputer company for rugged environments including space.

In August 2024, Space-X began using GPUs in space for the very first time working with newly launched privately held venture capital backed start-up Aethero a small competitor of OSS.

For larger scale projects using high performance supercomputers in space, Space-X and NASA would have no choice but to work with OSS because they are the market leading company.

Never in history have we seen crazy good market conditions for technology stocks related to military, defense, and space. If OSS announces a brand-new contract with NASA or Space-X in early 2025 it will instantly gain by 1,000%-10,000% within days. The most important thing to understand is... OSS has little/no downside risk, because we know big U.S. Army contracts are almost definitely coming for our 13,700 tanks! OSS doesn't need NASA or Space-X to gain by 500%-1,000%, but NASA and Space-X will need to work with OSS if they want to use high-performance supercomputers in space!

OSS is our #1 overall stock suggestion for 2025.

We expect our #1 overall stock suggestion for 2024, Augusta Gold (TSX: G), to be acquired before year-end at a share price of between $4 and $6.

AngloGold Ashanti (AU) recently disclosed in its technical report for Merlin the #1 largest U.S. gold discovery in nearly 15 years: "At least 16 modern-day gold deposits are known from the Bare Mountains and Bullfrog Hills. Defined Mineral Resource in the greater Bare Mountains Bullfrog Hills district is controlled by two companies: AngloGold Ashanti and Augusta Gold Corp. Additionally, Kinross has exploration activities in the western part of the Bullfrog district as well as to the southeast of Silicon. In the greater Bullfrog Hills Bare Mountain district, there are three types of mineral occurrences: 1) advanced argillic zones (such as Silicon) from which minor amounts of Hg were produced, 2) Carlin-like disseminated gold deposits, and 3) quartz-adularia Au, Ag veins and disseminated deposits. The Bare Mountain Carlin-like disseminated gold deposits (Mother Lode, Sterling, Secret Pass, SNA, Daisy, Reward) occur 6 to 9km south of Merlin. AngloGold Ashanti now controls all of the known Bare Mountain district gold deposits except for the Reward project which is controlled by Augusta Gold Corp. The Bullfrog district, located 12km to the west of Silicon, is a historic quartz-carbonate-adularia vein camp controlled by Augusta Gold Corp."

Past performance is not an indicator of future returns. NIA is not an investment advisor and does not provide investment advice. Always do your own research and make your own investment decisions. NIA's President has purchased 224,200 shares of G in the open market and intends to buy more shares. This message is meant for informational and educational purposes only and does not provide investment advice.