Read this Catalyst Copper press release from 10 years ago when Richard Warke, Frank Giustra, and Ian Telfer invested into it at $0.07 per share: click here.
If you bought shares of tiny Catalyst Copper in 2014, you ended up owning shares of Equinox Gold (TSX: EQX) in 2017 and receiving free shares of Solaris Resources (TSX: SLS) in 2020.
These guys know how to consistently create value for shareholders.
Richard Warke is now the Executive Chairman and largest shareholder of both SLS and NIA's #1 overall stock suggestion for 2024: Augusta Gold (TSX: G).
Ian Telfer is now the Chairman of NIA's #1 favorite producing gold miner: Aris Mining (TSX: ARIS).
Frank Giustra co-founded ARIS with Ian Telfer and has now invested into the tiny copper explorer Abitibi Metals Corp. (CSE: AMQ).
Past performance is not an indicator of future returns. NIA is not an investment advisor and does not provide investment advice. Always do your own research and make your own investment decisions. This message is not a solicitation or recommendation to buy, sell, or hold securities. NIA's President has purchased 224,200 shares of G in the open market and intends to buy more shares. NIA has received compensation from ARIS of US$50,000 cash for a six-month marketing contract. NIA has received compensation from LFG Equities Corp. of US$30,000 cash for a three-month AMQ marketing contract. This message is meant for informational and educational purposes only and does not provide investment advice.