Gold is up by $25.95 today to a new all-time high of $2,867.35 per oz!
America has only one undeveloped Tier 1 gold district with imminent development and near-term production. The Beatty Gold District in Nevada consisting of: Augusta Gold (TSX: G)'s Bullfrog and Reward Gold Projects plus AngloGold Ashanti (AU)'s North Bullfrog, Sterling, Silicon, Merlin, and Motherlode Gold Projects will be America's #1 largest new gold district to be developed this decade!
Augusta Gold (TSX: G) will strongly outperform all producing gold miners similar to how NIA's #1 favorite Bitcoin stock suggestion Neptune Digital Assets (TSXV: NDA) gained by 3,000% and strongly outperformed all producing Bitcoin miners. Augusta Gold (TSX: G) deserves to be trading for $5+ per share. Their properties are highly leveraged to rising gold prices. AU is eager to begin producing in Beatty as quickly as possible and they need Augusta Gold (TSX: G)'s assets!
Augusta Gold (TSX: G) could be acquired for $5-$10 per share any day now. It is a top priority for AU to acquire Augusta Gold (TSX: G), but at the same time it's not something that AU management thinks about every hour of the day because they are operating many large gold mines... so it will be on some random unpredictable day in the weeks ahead (unless it is already happening right now) when they decide "oh shit we should get this deal done today before gold goes too much higher" and they will pay Augusta Gold (TSX: G) whatever the amount is they are asking for probably about US$500 million (pocket change for them and it will add $1 billion in value to their district after accounting for synergies).
One Stop Systems (OSS) is one of the only AI stocks worth owning. (BBAI) is up by 47% today and OSS is about to become the #1 largest gaining AI stock of 2025!
Past performance is not an indicator of future returns. NIA is not an investment advisor and does not provide investment advice. Always do your own research and make your own investment decisions. NIA's President has purchased 224,200 shares of G in the open market and intends to buy more shares. NIA previously received compensation from NDA of US$50,000 cash for a marketing contract. This message is meant for informational and educational purposes only and does not provide investment advice.