Gerald Celente Says RFK Jr. Will Become President

We were watching a video of Daniela Cambone interviewing Gerald Celente at his beautiful home in Kingston, NY, where we have been a guest of his multiple times across the street from where the first New York State constitution was adopted on April 20, 1777. He says RFK Jr. (a Democrat) will become President, which is why we say it is best to be apolitical because if you get distracted by "party politics" maybe the best candidate is somebody who you normally wouldn't consider. Although the only politician we have ever liked is Ron Paul, we decided to listen to an interview of RFK Jr. after watching the video of Gerald Celente, and RFK Jr. says that he will, "put a statue of Snowden in Washington" and "pardon Assange on Day 1." Maybe Gerald is right about him? In our opinion, Trump's biggest mistake was not pardoning Snowden and Assange, and also supporting the dangerous vaccines. We just checked what RFK Jr.'s views on the vaccine were and he said, "I'm not anti-vax, I want safe vaccines". Clearly, this was the correct position to have. Maybe Gerald Celente is right?

We will embed the Daniela Cambone interview of Gerald Celente because it was very much worth watching: