There is a big controversy happening in Beatty, Nevada right now. As AngloGold Ashanti pushes forward full speed with their plans to develop North America's #1 largest new gold district, local town officials and the BLM are being pressured to remove all of the friendly burros in town. The burros are cute harmless animals that get along great with every visitor in the town of Beatty, but some people fear they could interfere with the "autonomous haulage" robots that AngloGold Ashanti will be using at their mines.
A century ago, before the invention of these brand new "autonomous haulage" robots that mine gold at very low production costs, the burros were given jobs at the mines hauling ore in and out of tight mining shafts and delivering water and other supplies to the miners, so they don't dehydrate in the dry Nevada heat. They were considered to be "a miner's best friend". They bonded with the miners and became trusted companion animals.
Now that they're not needed anymore, there is a serious risk that the BLM might do away with all of them.
We know that Augusta Gold (TSX: G) likes the burros and wants them to stay. Since G is likely to be the first company to launch production in the Beatty District, ahead of AngloGold Ashanti, we believe the burros should be allowed to stay.
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