Regulation (EU) 2019/1009 goes into effect next year, which will fundamentally change the value of Arianne Phosphate (TSXV: DAN) and its Lac à Paul Green Phosphate Project by making it one of the most important phosphate projects in the world!
The new law will apply to all 27 European Union member states and will permanently ban the sale of phosphate fertilizers containing more than 60 mg of cadmium per kg of P2O5! Many individual European countries are implementing stricter cadmium limits including the Netherlands 17.5 mg of cadmium per kg of P2O5, Hungary 20 mg of cadmium per kg of P2O5, Slovakia 20 mg of cadmium per kg of P2O5, Switzerland 21 mg of cadmium per kg of P2O5, Finland 22 mg of cadmium per kg of P2O5, Sweden 44 mg of cadmium per kg of P2O5, and Denmark 48 mg of cadmium per kg of P2O5.
In the U.S. where Big Ag companies like Mosaic (MOS) are very powerful... the issue of toxic heavy metals like cadmium, arsenic, lead, and mercury in phosphate fertilizers never came up until two months ago when a shocking congressional report exposed that America's largest suppliers of baby food are producing products tainted with these toxic heavy metals! It was announced two days ago that the FDA will propose limits on toxic heavy metals in baby food. Click here to see for yourself!
According to the FDA its goal is to, "reduce the levels of arsenic, lead, cadmium and mercury in these foods to the greatest extent possible." Shouldn't the FDA want to limit toxic deadly heavy metals in all foods, not just baby food?! Most Americans don't yet realize these toxic heavy metals are currently tainting America's entire food supply because we use sedimentary phosphate rock in our fertilizers! Even CBS MarketWatch admits, "Heavy metals find their way into fruits and vegetables from soil or water contaminated by sources including pesticides and fertilizers. Exposure to heavy metals can harm adults and children, but babies and toddlers are especially vulnerable given their smaller size and developing brains. Exposure over time can result in neurodevelopmental disabilities including autism in children."
Currently, Russia is the world's only major producer of Green Igneous Phosphate Rock with less than 5 mg of cadmium per kg of P2O5. On average, Russia's Green Igneous Phosphate Rock contains only 1 mg of cadmium per kg of P2O5! Last month at the request of Mosaic, the U.S. government placed heavy tariffs on Russian Green Igneous Phosphate Fertilizer imports, even though Russia's phosphate fertilizers are the healthiest with the least toxic heavy metals!
Today, Biden will be placing new sanctions on Russia that will cut us off completely from their Green Phosphate Fertilizers! Biden is trying to make America totally dependent on Florida's sedimentary phosphate rock produced by Mosaic, which contains some of the world's highest levels of toxic deadly heavy metals! It isn't enough that Biden is trying to have Big Pharma kill us with unapproved experimental toxic blood clotting vaccines, but now Biden wants Big Ag to kill us by spreading record high levels of cadmium, arsenic, lead, and mercury throughout our nation's food supply!
After today with Americans no longer able to import Russia's Green Phosphate Fertilizers, there will be an urgency throughout all of North America to bring Arianne Phosphate (TSXV: DAN)'s Lac à Paul Green Phosphate Project into production as quickly as possible! DAN's 100% owned Lac à Paul Green Phosphate Project is critical to the health of all Americans! Today's incredibly huge DAN news will also make it possible for DAN to export its high-purity, low-contaminant Phosphate Concentrate to the EU so that they don't have to depend totally on Russia especially with Regulation (EU) 2019/1009 going into effect next year!
As DAN mentioned in today's press release, demand for phosphate is growing rapidly especially with the EV industry's sudden shift towards Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP) batteries! We believe Elon Musk will prioritize the need to secure phosphate rock from Green Phosphate Projects that do the least harm to the environment! We doubt Musk will want Florida phosphate rock after what happened in recent weeks with 200 million+ gallons of radioactive water polluting Tampa Bay! DAN's Lac à Paul Green Phosphate Project is probably his best option for sourcing Green Phosphate Rock raw materials for LFP batteries!
Past performance is not an indicator of future returns. NIA is not an investment advisor and does not provide investment advice. Always do your own research and make your own investment decisions. This message is not a solicitation or recommendation to buy, sell, or hold securities. NIA has received compensation from DAN of USD$30,000 cash and expects to receive options to purchase 100,000 shares of DAN stock with an exercise price based on the closing price of the stock on the day before the options get issued for a six-month marketing contract. This message is meant for informational and educational purposes only and does not provide investment advice.