38 Days Away From People Desiring Tangible Assets

We are 38 days away from the Bitcoin halving when every institution is planning to dump their Crypto assets onto retail bag holders.

In 38 days, people will begin to desire the safety of real tangible assets like gold.

Gold has been steadily increasing since the 10-1 year yield spread inverted by more than -40 basis points in October 2022, but gold averages a forward twelve-month gain of 60% under these conditions and so far, gold has only gained by 8%-15% on a year-over-year basis since the deep inversion.

The real gains for gold haven't started yet because Americans have been selling their gold ETFs for 3 1/2 years straight to FOMO into Crypto assets that will soon be worthless.

Gold ETF inflows will begin 38 days from today after the Bitcoin halving.

We typed "Bitcoin halving" into YouTube and look at the first two videos that popped up:

There are thousands of videos being made like this every single day.

Everybody with Crypto will be dumped on in 38 days.